
1. III
1) introduce smth. introduce a rule (a new method, a new fashion, a system, a useful technique, an improvement, etc.) вводить правило и т. д., introduce a new theory (an idea) предложить /выдвинуть/ новую теорию (идею); introduce a quotation (figures, facts, etc.) приводить /использовать/ цитату и т. д.; who introduced that law? кто предложил установить /ввести/ этот закон?; the announcer introduces each programme каждую программу объявляет диктор; relative pronouns introduce adjective clauses относительные местоимения вводят придаточные определительные
2) introduce smth. introduce a problem (a subject of discussion, a question, an item, etc.) выносить /выдвигать, ставить/ на обсуждение проблему и т. д., introduce a bill вносить законопроект
3) introduce smb. introduce strangers (two friends, one's brother, some countrymen of mine, etc.) представить друг другу незнакомых людей и т. д.; introduce oneself представиться, назвать себя; may I introduce Mr. Brown разрешите мне представить мистера Брауна
2. IV
introduce smth. in some manner I'll introduce the subject briefly я кратко ознакомлю вас с темой /с вопросом/
3. XI
1) be introduced into smth. vaccination for smallpox was first introduced into the United States by Dr. William Yates прививки против оспы были впервые применены в США доктором Уильямом Йетсом; tobacco (this plant, this species, etc.) was first introduced into Europe from America табак и т. д. был завезен в Европу из Америки; porcelain manufacture was introduced into Japan from China about 1513 производство фарфора пришло в Японию из Китая приблизительно в тысяча пятьсот тринадцатом году; be introduced to smb., smth. since the dictionary was first introduced to the public с тех пор, как широкие круги читателей впервые познакомились с этим словарем; I was introduced to chess at an early age я начал играть в шахматы в раннем детстве; be introduced as smth. the word was originally introduced as a term of reproach первоначально это слово вошло в употребление как выражение упрека
2) be introduced in /at/ smth. the bill will be introduced in /at/ the next session законопроект будет вынесен на обсуждение на следующей сессии
3) be introduced to smb. I should like to be introduced to her мне бы хотелось, чтобы меня с ней познакомили; be introduced In smth. are you the gentleman introduced in this letter? это о вас пишут в этом письме?
4. XXI1
1) introduce smth. in(to) smth. introduce a new method into porcelain manufacture (new ideas into business, something new in painting, etc.) вводить /внедрять/ новые методы в производство фарфора и т. д., introduce songs and dances into the programme (some music into a play, phonetics into the list of subjects to be studied, a story into the conversation, etc.) включать / вставлять, вводить/ в программу песни и танцы и т. д.; he introduced this subject into the conversation это он заговорил об этом /на эту тему/; introduce a note of humour into the conversation (a romantic situation into a novel, a touch of irony into the play, a touch of colour into a room, etc.) (привносить нотку юмора в разговор и т.д., introduce smth. with smth. introduce a speech with an amusing anecdote (a subject with a short preface, a concert with a short speech, etc.) предварять доклад забавным рассказом и т. д., introduce smb. into smth. introduce smb. into society (into the world, into one's family, etc.) вводить кого-л. в общество и т. д.
2) introduce smth. (in)to (for) smth. introduce a bill into /before/ Parliament поставить /выдвинуть/ законопроект на обсуждение в парламенте; introduce a question for debate предложить вопрос /тему/ для дискуссии
3) introduce smb. to smb. introduce them to all our friends (his two sisters to us, the stranger to his family, etc.) познакомить их со всеми нашими друзьями и т. д.; allow me to introduce my friend to you позвольте представить вам моего друга; introduce oneself to her parents представиться ее родителям; introduce the speaker to the meeting (the lecturer to the audience, the actor to the public, etc.) представить докладчика собранию и т. д.; introduce smb. to smth. introduce smb. to the process (to our customs, to skiing, to the city by showing the sights, to the intricacies of Euclid, to a strange mode of life, to Japanese poetry, etc.) (познакомить кого-л. с этим процессом и т. д.
4) introduce smb. into smth. introduce smb. into a room (into a house, into a place, etc.) ввести /провести, привести/ кого-л. в комнату и т. д.; introduce smb. into his presence ввести /провести/ кого-л. к кому-л.; introduce smth. into smth. introduce a tube into a wound (a long tube into the sick man's throat, one's finger into a wound, etc.) вводить трубку в рану и т. д.; introduce a key into a lock вставлять ключ в замок
5. XXIV1
introduce smb. as smb. introduce her as his daughter (the young man as their new colleague, the woman as the new manager, etc.) представить ее как свою дочь и т. д.

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "introduce" в других словарях:

  • introduce — in‧tro‧duce [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs ǁ ˈduːs] verb [transitive] 1. to make a new product or service available for the first time: • The drug was introduced in the mid 1990s. 2. FINANCE to make stocks, shares etc available on the stock exchange for the first …   Financial and business terms

  • introduce — INTRODÚCE, introdúc, vb. III. tranz. 1. A face ca cineva sau ceva să intre, să pătrundă în ceva, undeva; a băga, a vârî. ♦ A include, a adăuga, a îngloba. ♦ refl. A intra undeva (cu forţa sau pe furiş). 2. A face ca o persoană să fie primită de… …   Dicționar Român

  • introduce — [in΄trə do͞os′, in΄trədyo͞os′] vt. introduced, introducing [L introducere < intro (see INTRO ) + ducere, to lead: see DUCT] 1. to lead or bring into a given place or position; conduct in 2. to put in or within; insert [to introduce an electric …   English World dictionary

  • Introduce — In tro*duce , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Introduced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Introducing}.] [L. introducere, introductum; intro within + ducere to lead. See {Intro }, and {Duke}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To lead or bring in; to conduct or usher in; as, to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • introduce — 1 *enter, admit Analogous words: induct, install, inaugurate (see INITIATE): instill, inculcate, implant: infuse, inoculate, imbue 2 Introduce, insert, insinuate, interpolate, intercalate, interpose, interject mean to put something or someone in… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • introduce — [v1] make known; present acquaint, advance, air, announce, bring out, bring up, broach, come out with, do the honors*, familiarize, fix up, get things rolling*, get together, give introduction, harbinger*, herald, kick off, knock down, lead into …   New thesaurus

  • introduce — in·tro·duce vt duced, duc·ing: to present and offer (evidence) at trial Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. introduce I …   Law dictionary

  • introduce — ► VERB 1) bring into use or operation for the first time. 2) present (someone) by name to another. 3) (introduce to) bring (a subject) to the attention of (someone) for the first time. 4) insert or bring into. 5) occur at the start of. 6) provide …   English terms dictionary

  • introduce — (v.) early 15c., back formation from introduction, or else from L. introducere to lead in, bring in (see INTRODUCTION (Cf. introduction)). Related: Introduced; introducing …   Etymology dictionary

  • introduce — in|tro|duce W1S3 [ˌıntrəˈdju:s US ˈdu:s] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(when people meet)¦ 2¦(new system/product)¦ 3¦(bring something to a place)¦ 4¦(new experience)¦ 5¦(programme/public event)¦ 6¦(start a change)¦ 7¦(law)¦ 8¦(put something into something)¦… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • introduce */*/*/ — UK [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs] / US [ˌɪntrəˈdus] verb [transitive] Word forms introduce : present tense I/you/we/they introduce he/she/it introduces present participle introducing past tense introduced past participle introduced 1) to tell someone another… …   English dictionary

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